The Progressive American

Progressive politics for a progressive future.

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My Recent Interview with Ira Shapiro

In my most recent interview, I talked with Ira Shapiro about his latest book and how the Senate can be redeemed from partisan corruption.

Good morning everyone,

I hope you are enjoying your day. Yesterday, I had the pleasure of interviewing Senate expert and author Ira Shapiro about his new book “The Betrayal: How Mitch McConnell and the Senate Republicans Abandoned America.” During the discussion, Ira and I reviewed the fall of the Senate, how it developed over time, and the role of Mitch McConnell’s partisanship, which resulted in a colossal government failure.

Throughout the discussion, Mr. Shapiro was kind enough to not only share his personal experience working in the Senate but also answer questions that don’t normally fit within the discussion surrounding Senate dysfunction.

As is always the case with my guests, I wanted to thank Mr. Shapiro for joining me and I hope to have him back in the future.

Thanks again, 

If you like my work and want to support me, you can find the donation link on my Kofi link. Thank you, I really appreciate it. 

One response to “My Recent Interview with Ira Shapiro”

  1. psgauer Avatar

    Loved the interview Conor. 


    div>His reacti


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The Progressive American is a progressive political newsletter edited and written by Conor J. Kelly. It is dedicated to providing informative, persuasive, and well-rounded political commentary and research.

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